Three Thousand Years of Longing [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]

Tel + Tam + Hin + Eng

Three Thousand Years of Longing [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng]
 IMDB Rating:

6.7/10 from 65000 votesIMDb




Drama Fantasy Romance

 Directed by:

George Miller

 Starring by:

Erdil Yasaroglu Idris Elba Tilda Swinton




Dubbed Telugu

 Story Plot: In her quest to find the common truths behind humankind’s stories, British narratologist Dr Alithea Binnie finds herself in Istanbul. When Alithea stumbles upon an intriguing, hand-blown crystal bottle, the curious academic unleashes the supernatural force living in the peculiar glass container: the Djinn, or the Genie in the bottle. As the otherworldly entity enthrals Alithea with extraordinary stories spanning three millennia, the shocked professor has three wishes to fulfil her heart’s desires.
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